Tips for February [link]
Feb. 10, 2018 - Australian Flyball Association Inc. (Message Expiry: Jan. 26, 2019)
Expression of Interest - Judge [link]
Feb. 8, 2018 - Australian Flyball Association Inc. (Message Expiry: Sept. 8, 2018)
The Wollongong Wonder Woofs will be hosting the 2018 Australian Flyball Championships in Kiama over the 3 days of 14h,15th and 16th September.
Friday - Beginners, singles and pairs. Veterans singles and pairs and Open racing
Saturday and Sunday - Regular racing
It is envisaged that 3 rings, possibly with 2 operating on the Friday
Expression of interest is sort for up to 6 judges to cover the rings in use with a preference for Judges not involved in racings dogs or assisting a team during the regular racing.
If you are interest, please click on the link above, fill in the form and return by email to the address at the bottom of the form.
Expression of Interest - Timekeepers [link]
Feb. 8, 2018 - Australian Flyball Association Inc. (Message Expiry: Sept. 8, 2018)
The Wollongong Wonder Woofs will be hosting the 2018 Australian Flyball Championships in Kiama over the 3 days of 14th,15th and 16th September.
It is envisaged that 3 rings will be required, possibly 2 operating on the Friday 14th.
WWW are therefore seeking expressions of interest for up to 8 accredited timekeepers to cover the rings in use and to help make it a successful event.
If you are interested, please click on the link above, complete the form and return by email to the address at the bottom of the form.