GIO Stadium, Canberra

Date: April 4, 2015

Hosting Club: Belconnen Dog Obedience Club


BDOC has been asked to run a flyball demo during the half-time of the ACT Brumbies Super Rugby game against the Cheetahs. Ave crowd appr 14,0000 in 2013. Anticipate a smaller number over this easter weekend.

The demo will be for a man of 8 mins (plus set-up and pack up_ Carolyn Shrives will be the spruiker and the AFA Rep. Lyn Clyde will help with the running of the teams, proper starts etc

Given there is a max of 9 mins for actual racing we propose to only take "solid" dogs to this demo. CDC and Tuggeranong have also been invited to participate

Running surface - Grass

Size of area set aside for event - Middle of the football field - so as much as we need


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