Summer Skills & Drills

Date: Jan. 28, 2023

Hosting Club: Norwest Flyball Club Inc


Entry form -



AFA Rep: Michelle Gurney

Host Club: Norwest Flyball Club Inc

Event Venue:

Undercover on Matting

Event Location:

Norwest Flyball Club Dog Rings Doran Dr, Castle Hill NSW 2154

Event Date: 28/01/2023

Event Format:

Beginners Training Day designed to allow practice for dogs that have either just started their career or very close to starting. Recalls, singles & pairs available. Recalls - open to dogs over 12 months of age that currently do not have any AFA points. Singles - open to dogs over 18 months of age, dogs with under 50 AFA points. Pairs - open to dogs over 18 months of age, one dog must have under 50 AFA points, the other dog can have more points and be used as a training partner for the day to help with passing training. Note: if you are entering in singles or recalls, you may have a familiar/safe/experienced dog stand in the ring with you for distraction work. Please note: dogs may only enter one event and one pair.

Event Size:

As per AFA guidelines.

Event Venue:

Undercover on Matting

Running surface: Matting

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