Date: Nov. 17, 2017
Hosting Club: Awesome Pawsome Flyball Racing Club Inc
AFA Rep: Shireen Pitt
Event Organiser: Jennifer Crane
Email: [email protected]
Mobile Phone: 0427 151 798
Host Club: Awesome Pawsome
Event Venue: RSPCA Flyball Arena
Event Location: RSPCA - 139 Wacol Station Road, Wacol
Event Date: 2017-11-17, 18 and 19
Event Format: Training tips shared by Ian and Robyn Ferguson
Event Size: in excess of AFA min requirements
Event Venue: RSPCA Flyball Arena
Running surface: Matting
Set up will be from 3:30pm Friday
Saturday - from 9am
Sunday - TBA
The Black Cat Cafe will be open from 10:00am each day until 4pm for the usual refreshments and meals.
A donation to the RSPCA Shelter Dogs Xmas Hamper wil get you a seat for the weekend. Towels, Blankets, bowls, toys are all very much needed and very much welcomed NO FOOD DONATIONS PLEASE